We all enjoy a bit of schadenfreude, sure, and she owned up to the boo boo right away. And as expected the patriarchal vitriol was out in full force. So much easier to be a hater than to admit you made a mistake.

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I normally don’t dip into mainstream news and don’t know this singer, but I too found her response to be brave and forthright. Imagine your worst moment being shared by millions with the social media piling on that now follows. Having the grace to own, assess and confront this head-on on her own terms is a magnificent response and I truly wish her well!

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Yes, it's just so telling how people now race to compete for the cruelest comment. No wonder the Surgeon General came out agains giving kids phones.

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I'm so glad you wrote this. I too felt bad for her. I didn't read the comments after the first few and I hope she doesn't either. People seem to be getting meaner all the time. She knew it was a bad performance. Apologized. Still, they have to get in their ugly jabs.

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I don't usually pay attention to artists I'm not a fan of but I noticed that drama. That's so humiliating for her and takes such courage to do that.

I appreciate the reminders you laid out about the abuse and misogyny in the music industry.

Not an easy piece to read, but so important.

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I follow a lot of Austin musicians, and I do think our scene is more female friendly than most. I notice it more with the "big ticket' musicians who come to town. Argh.

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