I’m in a writing group with a woman who is writing a memoir of her journey with vaccine side effects. She was absolutely debilitated. Another woman in the group is writing about choosing not to get the vaccine, and the ostracism she experienced… I keep thinking how would things have been different if we had had different leadership… Thanks for sharing this!

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Thank you for reading! I'm so glad they're writing through their experiences.

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Thank you for sharing this! Even if only those of us on Substack read this, it gives a little more credence to others with similar (or different) mysterious side effects. Too many “coincidences” have been ignored. At the very least they should be documented.

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Yes, I hope others find it useful...and the NYT article. Thank you for reading!

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Thank you for the NYT's gift article. I know many people won't read or take into consideration research that doesn't come from what they believe to be a "reputable news source". There are, however, plenty of independent journalists and medical workers who have been reporting about this for years. Sadly, as you know, everyone gets lumped into the anti- category -- and is vilified.

I'm very sorry you've had this horrible side effect. I can't believe how many folks have had facial paralysis, or tinnitus, or menstrual problems. Or died. Many of us got very sick afterwards. Most people who had the vaccine, got Covid anyway, and for the thousands who are now suffering from side effects...I want to say, I may only be one person, but I'm not alone, and I see and hear you. Thanks, Joy for sharing your story.

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I’m so sorry about your vaccine side effects! That sounds so stressful- I hate dealing with health stuff. The more I research conventional medicine, the less trusting I am.

I too have heard about very worrying side effects from the Covid vaccine, which is concerning because I and all of my loved ones have gotten multiple doses of it.

I told a doctor that people were concerned about the Covid vaccine causing cancer down the road and he said, do you know how many medicines doctors prescribe that can cause cancer down the road? Doctors care about treating the here and now and will deal with the cancer later 😳😱

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Wow! Yeah the medicine I take to treat the hives has a low risk of a rare cancer …which is why I’d love guidance of when to taper off if without a huge flare up of hives 🥴

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!!! I’m so sorry! That sounds scary. One thing we discovered with my mom’s cancer journey was 3 different doctors had 3 different opinions on how to treat it... tapering sounds like a good idea. Praying you get some sound advice on how to do that! ❤️

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Thank you for sharing your experience and validating so many people who have had horrible reactions to the vaccine.

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I’m sorry this happened to you. Dermatographia sounds like something out of a novel. I can imagine two characters communicating secretly thru inducing this condition. But I’m sorry this is real life for you! Strange and worrisome. I don’t understand why we can’t speak about possible side effects—they exist. I’m sorry you’re living proof, and I’m glad it’s not worse. Friends wound up with blood clots and vision disturbances and menstrual disturbances. Yikes!

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Thank you! You summed up the issue perfectly. So many weird effects!

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Thanks for sharing. I appreciated the NY Times article too and wrote about it in my own most recent Substack post.

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Wow! I’m glad they’re writing about it, too! So many stories to be told

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March or April 2020, the NYT put out an article entitled "How Long Does It Take To Develop A Vaccine"? At least a 10 page article, the verdict of which was that it would take between 10-30 years. GOOD LUCK finding that article now. The link I saved went directly to error 404 file not found.

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